Welcome to my (Åke Hedman) personal page. I don't know your reason for being here but on this page I take the opportunity to talk about my self, my family and my projects. This is because the page belongs to me and is about me and its my personal page, its not here because I think I am the best person in the world....
A personal description
My CV is available here.(Word format)
Company Site: http://www.eurosource.se
My home phone is: +46 657 413501
Eurosource: +46 657 413430
Brattberg: +46 657 413500
My cellular phone number: +46 730 533146
My fax number is: +46 657 413503
Address: Ake Hedman, eurosource, Brattbergavägen 17, 820 50 LOS, Sweden
I am involved in some projects that might interest you:
http://www.brattberg.com is my wife's business. If you need spices, herbs etc you should visit the Brattberg site.
eurosource is my own company and it is located on the web at http://www.eurosource.se . Some low cost solutions for environment monitoring and control.
At http://eda.sourceforge.net we have a project (EDA -Event, Decision, Action) that builds an engine for home automation control. Join us in this challenging task if this is something that interest you.
The CAN project has a CAN Linux driver, canal (CAN Abstraction Layer), VSCP (Very simple Control Protocol, also at http://www.vscp.org ) and some other useful stuff. Its located at http://can.sourceforge.net The project (EDA -Event, Decision, Action) that builds an engine for home automation control is also at this place . Join us in this challenging task if this is something that interest you.
ActiveX controls where one of eurosource business items of the past now they are free and downloadable at SourceForge: http://activex.sourceforge.net
X-TUR a local tourism project I am involved in http://www.x-tur.com
Links to useful places with valuable resources on the net. Totally unsorted...
To see some pictures from Loos and my world follow the link bellow. The picture Trail
To listen to some of my mine and my friends music this is the place to go -> My Music You can also visit http://www.atmosphereinrock.com which is the site of the hardrock band I play in.
My life as a programmer started out in the late 70th. And I built my first computer in the early 80th. In 1991-1992 my company released one of the first VBX control packages on the market for Visual Basic. The controls in the package are nowadays free and can be downloaded (with source) on this page. At the same time I developed a groupware program called Gold for Workgroup. This program is available here complete with Visual Basic source. This program was quite a success at the time but is very old now.... The latest project is a piece that fits perfectly between EDA and M.U.M.I.N. is VSCP (Very Simple Control Protocol ) a CAN-protocol for SOHO automation. Info is here.
My company eurosource also produces several successful ActiveX controls that was sold on the Internet. Today they are freely available, with source code on this link.
This is the way I look nowadays.
This is the way I live today with my family. An old school house with 200 m2 at the ground floor for my wife's and my business and 200 m2 for my family upstairs. This is the place where I most of all would like to live also in the future but the right job will make me/us move anywhere. Another possibility is to work away from home during the weeks/periods.
I eat a lot and I like food very much but if I have the decision in my hand I rather not eat meat. I'm not a fanatic and can eat hamburgers or whatever if needed. The thing is that I prefer to kill the things I eat myself instead of letting others do it. And if I should do this ( kill animals ) I wouldn't get a lot to eat anyway.... Whisky, cigars and beer is alright though.... Good wine is also fine.
A historical page from a now dead, and dearly missed Swedish computer magazine
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
/Ake akhe@users.sourceforge.net